BOSH is a transport protocol which emulates the semantics of a long-lived, bidirectional TCP connection between two entities by efficiently using multiple synchronous HTTP request/response pairs.
This is often useful, if port 5222 is blocked by a firewall or your XMPP server is otherwise only accessible via HTTP.
Configuration is straight forward as shown in the sample below.
The following sample connects, logs in and finally closes (“detaches”) the session (in your client only!). The server still holds session information. This is called pre-binding and can be used, if you want to transport the session from Java to JavaScript for example.
// Connects to http://domain:5280/http-bind/
BoshConnectionConfiguration boshConnectionConfiguration = BoshConnectionConfiguration.builder()
try (XmppClient xmppClient = XmppClient.create("domain", boshConnectionConfiguration)) {
// Connect
// Login
xmppClient.login("username", "password", "resource");
BoshConnection boshConnection = (BoshConnection) xmppClient.getActiveConnection();
// Gets the session id (sid) of the BOSH connection.
String sessionId = boshConnection.getSessionId();
// Detaches the BOSH session, without terminating it.
long rid = boshConnection.detach();
System.out.println("JID: " + xmppClient.getConnectedResource());
System.out.println("SID: " + sessionId);
System.out.println("RID: " + rid);
} catch (XmppException e) {
BOSH also specifies a technique to protect insecure sessions. This can be easily enabled (if your server supports it as well) by a configration option:
BoshConnectionConfiguration boshConnectionConfiguration = BoshConnectionConfiguration.builder()
// ...