Class SecurityLabel.DisplayMarking

  • Enclosing class:

    public static final class SecurityLabel.DisplayMarking
    extends Object
    The implementation of the <displaymarking/> element.

    The <displaymarking/> element contains a display string for use by implementations which are unable to utilize the applicable security policy to generate display markings. The element may optionally contain two attributes, fgcolor= and bgcolor=, whose values are HTML color strings (e.g., 'red' or '#ff0000'), for use in colorizing the display marking. The fgcolor= default is black. The bgcolor= default is white.

    • Constructor Detail

      • DisplayMarking

        public DisplayMarking​(String value)
      • DisplayMarking

        public DisplayMarking​(String value,
                              String foregroundColor,
                              String backgroundColor)
    • Method Detail

      • getForegroundColor

        public final String getForegroundColor()
        Gets the foreground color.
        The foreground color.
      • getBackgroundColor

        public final String getBackgroundColor()
        Gets the background color.
        The background color.
      • getValue

        public final String getValue()
        Gets the display string.
        The display string.