Package rocks.xmpp.extensions.privacy.model
Provides XML schema implementations of XEP-0016: Privacy
It defines an XMPP protocol extension for enabling or disabling communication with other entities on a network. The protocol, which was first standardized in Section 10 of RFC 3921, can be used to block communication with unknown or undesirable entities. Blocking can be based on Jabber Identifier, subscription state, or roster group. The blocked stanzas can be messages, IQs, inbound or outbound presence stanzas, or all stanzas. The protocol also enables an entity to create, modify, or delete its privacy lists, apply different lists to different connected resources, define a default list, and decline the use of any privacy list during a particular communications session.
Class Summary Class Description Privacy The implementation of the the<query/>
element in thejabber:iq:privacy
namespace.PrivacyList The implementation of a privacy list.PrivacyRule A privacy rule for privacy lists, which is applied by the server. -
Enum Summary Enum Description PrivacyRule.Action Defines the action to perform with the privacy item: either allow or deny communication.PrivacyRule.Type Defines the type of communication which should be allowed of denied.